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Match Officials


Welcome, RMSC match officials and future match officials!

It is hoped that this can be your one-stop place for information and resources for anything relating to being a match official.  If there is information you can't find, please contact our Head Referee via email and they will do their best to help you out!


Match Officials (Referees and Assistant Referees)

The Renfrew Minor Soccer Club is committed to the training and development of Match Officials by providing a safe environment that allows all officials to progress at their own pace with opportunities to maximize their potential in a challenging and supportive environment.  


The Small Sided Game Course is for those who would like to become an accredited match official on 7v7 games and are 12 years of age (by March 31st of the current year) or older.  Successful graduates are automatically registered with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year.


The Entry Level Match Official Clinic is for those who would like to become an accredited match official for 9v9 and 11v11 games and are 14 years of age (by March 31st of the current year) and older.  Successful graduates are automatically registered with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year.


The VUSL is once again hosting an AR Course (Assistant Referee) for all returning small sided referees.

If you were a small sided referee during the 2024 season, you are eligible to take this course and will teach you how to become an AR on U12 and up games.

There will be no cost for the course.


The course will be held on Saturday April 26th from 1:00-4:00pn in Pembroke.  Exact location TBD



Don't forget to complete your annual registration by March 31st to avoid late fees. Additionally, Level 4-10 match officials must also take and pass the Respect in Sport for Officials course.

Mandatory Refresher Training

In order to successfully prepare our youth referees (under 18 years of age), there will be a mandatory refresher training.  There will be two (2) dates available and every referee must attend at least one.

When: Dates TBD but one course will be offered in Renfrew and a 2nd course being offered in Deep River.

Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm (please bring a lunch and snacks)

Where: Exact locations TBA

Registration coming soon



RMSC will provide Match Official's with a black referee shirt, flags, whistle, and book with cards.  If you need appropriate black shorts we will provide these as well.


Once a RMSC Match Official attends the Mandatory refresher training and completes the pre-determined number of games as per below, RMSC will reimburse any course fees and annual registration fees paid, upon submission of required documentation.

Entry Level must complete 5 games

Small-Sided must complete 3 games



U10 $30 N/A
U12 $35 $23
U13-U14 $46 $29
U15-U16 $48 $31
U17-U18 $57 #34

These pay rates are in line with the EODSA and VUSL pay rates.

Amended June 2023


Small Sided Course

This course allows the referee to CR games in our U10 division and follows the FIFA Laws of the Game.  The role of the official is to ensure that the laws of the game are followed in a safe environment.  

Entry Level Course

This course allows the referee to CR or AR U12-U18 games and follows the FIFA Laws of the Game.  The role of the official is to ensure that the laws of the game are followed in a safe environment.  

Assistant Referee Course

This course allows our returning small-sided referees (must have been a small-sided referee in a previous year) to be Assistant Referees for the U12-U18 divisions (the age of the referee will determine which divisions they will be permitted to AR).